Basic Server-Side Only Application

This is an example of a basic server-side application Kretes. Save it to a file e.g. server.js, run it with node server.js and visit the application https://localhost:5544.

Note Don't forget to install kretes by adding it to package.json in your project directory followed by npm install. If you're starting from scratch, use npm init or (better) kretes new described below.

import Kretes, { Routes, response, routing } from 'kretes';
const { OK } = response;
const { Route: { GET, POST } } = routing;
const app = new Kretes(); const routes: Routes = [ // implicit `return` with a `text/plain` response GET('/', _ => 'Hello Kretes'), // explicit `return` with a 200 response of `application/json` type GET('/json', _ => OK({ a: 1, b: 2 })), // set your own headers GET('/headers', _ => ({ body: 'Hello B', statusCode: 201, headers: { 'Authorization': 'PASS' } })), // request body is parsed in `params` by default POST('/bim': request => `Hello POST! ${}`), ] app.start({ routes, port: 5544 });

This example shows a regular, server-side application. You define routes as a plain object, which makes composition easier. In contrast to Express, Kretes handlers only take HTTP request as input and always return an HTTP response: either defined explicitly as an object with body, status, etc keys, or implicitly with an inferred type e.g. text/plain or as a wrapping function e.g. OK() for 200, or created() for 201.

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