This tutorial is work-in-progress. The goal is create a task management application as shown here. Feedback is welcome!
Found an error? Would you like to suggest an improvement? Open an issue on GitHub.
A spec describing what we are going to build in this tutorial
Setting up the project
Defining the shape of date using TypeScript interfaces
Using HTML to build the UI prototype.
Displaying data using collections in React.js
Using React.js to handle form validations & submissions
Creating REST APIs using Kretes controllers & handlers
Using React Query to integrate with a remote REST API endpoint
Using React Query to mutate state on the server
Implementing optimistic updates for React.js UIs
Setting up a relational database
Integrating with a database
Persisting tasks on the server via REST API
Building a Docker image for a Kretes app
Let's use Tailwind CSS to design and build the UI prototype.
Adding final touches
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