It's time to move the application data server-side. This is needed as we want to:

  1. put it in a central location so that it's possible to share that data between users, and
  2. because our server can easily integrate with a database to store and persist that data over time.

Kretes allows to conveniently create REST (and GraphQL) APIs directly in the same application In Kretes, an API is a set of controllers. Each controller is responsible for a particular resource. In this tutorial, we are dealing with one resource so far: Task.

Controllers are just directories located in the special site/_api/ directory. They group together actions that respond to specific HTTP requests. Each action is represented by a separate file.

There is a file naming conventions so that you can quickly connect actions with specific HTTP requests without configuration. In our case, we need to create an action called browse that will be located in the site/_api/task/browse.ts file. Check the X for details.

Notice, that the the directory structure in the site/ represents the path structure of your website in the browser. In other words, you can trigger the browse action by visiting localhost:5544/_api/task in your browser.

For starters, let's create an action that will be returning a collection of tasks in response to the GET request. We haven't yet configured the database, so temporarily let's keep this collection of tasks in the server memory as a regular constant with a predefined value.

const collection = [
  { name: 'Task 1', done: false },
  { name: 'Task 2', done: false },

Now we are ready to create the action that will be returning this collection. First, in site/_api/task/browse.ts create the browse handler. As previously stated, naming for both the file name and the handler name is important. This way we can reduce the amount of configuration.

import { Handler, response } from 'kretes';

const { OK } = response;

const collection = [
  { name: 'Task 1', done: false },
  { name: 'Task 2', done: false },

export const browse: Handler = ({ }) => {
  return OK(collection);

This handler will respond to GET requests sent to /_api/task. You can test it by opening the http://localhost:5544/_api/task in your browser.

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